Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Great Möbius

On March 21st, at 2PM, Edmonton Improv severed the fabric of time creating a loop. Our undercover agents meticulously repeated a five minute cycle over the course of forty five minutes.

"A twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop, from which there is no escape. When we reach that point, whatever happened will happen again."
-Star Trek

Saturday, February 20, 2010's Melissa Bowen Jensen!

On February 20th, Edmonton Improv agents arrived at Hawrelak Park, armed with posters and cameras, to take in the Silver Skate Festival and await the arrival of a very special celebrity; Melissa Bowen Jensen!

Melissa, known by some (mostly Edmonton Improv agents) as the latest thing, arrived around 2:40pm to take in the festival. Escorted by bodyguards, Melissa was met with eager anticipation.

"She's so human!" One onlooker shouted as Melissa took in the sights. It wasn't long until regular festival goers took notice and circled the star. As some ventured near to chat, take pictures, and ask for autographs, other, slightly shyer fans took photos of and filmed the star from afar.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Scene But Not Obscene: Support the Annual "No Pants Subway Ride".

On January 10, 2010 thousands of people from around the world united with a common dream; a dream of riding their local subway... pant-less. Yes, that's right. Originally the concept of New York based Improv Everywhere, the international "no-pants subway ride" event has grown over the past 9 years to include over 40 host cities from around the world.

Though pant-less, the intentions behind the event have far less to do with "exhibitionism" and "shock-value" than with doing something out of the ordinary, creating smiles, and living in a world where anything can happen.

Show your support for the "no-pants" event, Edmonton Improv, and other improv groups but going to the Edmonton Sun's website and voting in their online poll (half-way down on the right-hand side).

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Freezing for the Christmas Season

As the lights turned red and the little lit up man told us it was safe to walk, our agents casually dressed in their day to day clothing, preformed short choreographed dance routines thanks to fitness instructor gone agent Kristina Lee. No dance training was required. No coordination was required. Just the ability to walk, maybe skip and to have fun.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where's Waldo... Live from Edmonton

Where’s Waldo... Live From Edmonton

Saturday August 15th

25 Edmonton Improv Agents gathered under a tent boasting a

homemade “Where’s Waldo” banner made by agents

Dorothy Hamilton and Josh Horner with the mission to

bring the Where’s Waldo books ALIVE in the streets of Edmonton!

Armed with striped shirts, blue jeans, glasses, canes and hats

the group headed off to the first destination. A strip of Whyte Avenue,

104 street and 105 street, was littered with Waldo decoys enjoying the shops, going for coffee, checking emails, eating ice cream and browsing the street vendors wares.

Where's Waldo is a popular children's book consisting of a complex full page illustrations to which the purpose is to find the character "Waldo". However, there are many decoy Waldo characters whom are missing one or more wardrobe components. Agent Jeremy Bindon did a brilliant job at capturing the essence of a "Waldo decoy".

Mean while agents Dustin Bajer and Kailey White

spent sometime in Divine Decadence,

one of Edmonton's vintage shops,

perusing the collection

of fine striped shirts.

Hidden amongst the decoy Waldo's we did have Edmonton Improvs very own real Waldo

played by the fantastically curly haired Agent Evan Samson.

This being only Edmonton Improv's second event I think we have amazing potentcail as did the Edmonton Journal who interviewed many of the agents that night and photographed the group while we walked down Calgary Trail.

I think it is safe

to say that

Edmonton Improv

can and will

continue to make peoples day!

And a special thanks to Val for taking all of these amazing photo's!
