Monday, January 11, 2010

A Scene But Not Obscene: Support the Annual "No Pants Subway Ride".

On January 10, 2010 thousands of people from around the world united with a common dream; a dream of riding their local subway... pant-less. Yes, that's right. Originally the concept of New York based Improv Everywhere, the international "no-pants subway ride" event has grown over the past 9 years to include over 40 host cities from around the world.

Though pant-less, the intentions behind the event have far less to do with "exhibitionism" and "shock-value" than with doing something out of the ordinary, creating smiles, and living in a world where anything can happen.

Show your support for the "no-pants" event, Edmonton Improv, and other improv groups but going to the Edmonton Sun's website and voting in their online poll (half-way down on the right-hand side).
